Use Your Own Domain

Personalizing your SFTP server with your own domain adds a professional touch to your file sharing setup. This guide will walk you through the process of using your custom domain with your Baskt SFTP server.

Steps to Use Your Own Domain

  1. Access Your Bucket Settings

    • Navigate to the Buckets page from the main navigation
    • Click on the bucket you want to use with your custom domain
  2. Copy the Server Address

    • In your bucket’s details, locate and copy the SFTP server address
  3. Add a CNAME Record

    • Log in to your DNS provider’s control panel
    • Create a new CNAME record:
      • Set the host/name to your desired subdomain (e.g.,
      • Set the value/target to the Baskt SFTP server address you copied
    • Save the new CNAME record
  4. Wait for DNS Propagation

    • DNS changes can take up to 48 hours to propagate globally
    • You can check the propagation status using online DNS lookup tools

Once the DNS changes have propagated, you’ll be able to connect to your SFTP server using your custom domain (e.g., instead of the default Baskt address.

Remember to update any SFTP clients or applications with your new custom domain to ensure continued access to your files.