Connect to Your Bucket

With your SFTP server set up and your user created, you’re ready to start transferring files. This guide will walk you through the process of connecting to your bucket using your SFTP client.


To connect to your bucket:

  1. Navigate to your bucket’s page and click on your user
  2. Copy the SFTP server address, port number, full SFTP username
  3. Configure your SFTP client with these details
    • We have guides available here for major SFTP clients like FileZilla, WinSCP, and Cyberduck
  4. Connect to your bucket and start transferring files

Always use your full SFTP username, which includes your account ID as a prefix (e.g., b28ef410-john), when logging in via SFTP.

Next Steps

You’re now ready to collaborate with your team or clients by securely transferring files using your Baskt SFTP server.

Remember, you can manage your users, their permissions, and monitor their activity through the Baskt interface.

If you need assistance, our support team is always here to help.